The Wait is Over: “What’s Wrong With Me?” Book Release!

The wait is over! I am officially an author–two times over!

As I mentioned 2 weeks ago, today is the day of my dual book launch! While people are celebrating Valentine’s Day or going about their business, I am happy, excited, ecstatic and proud to revel in this accomplishment. If you haven’t already, please do browse my one-month-old re-launched website, check out my upcoming appearances, read unbiased reviews of my book, and participate in the special giveaway going on all week!

 Get a Free Chapter of the Book!

How to Buy

You can purchase my books directly from me or request it from your local bookstore. My books and ebooks are also available online at Amazon (book) (journal), Barnes & Noble (book) (journal), and Smashwords in all ebook formats (book).

Instant Popularity

The underlying message of self-esteem and empowerment resonates with women young and grown.

Teen Voices magazine stakeholders revealed a great bit of interest– my ad for What’s Wrong With Me? ranked second and third highest click-through rates in two newsletters delivered last week!

Further testament to my book’s growing popularity is shown in this recent message from one of my blog tour reviewers, which paints a vivid picture of how teens at her school have reacted to What’s Wrong With Me?:

“I had your book on my desk at school and a student asked to read it.  She loved it.  She made her sister read it. Then she read it again and took notes. Then she had her mother read it. I finally gave it to her with the understanding that it had to be passed on to someone she thought needed it’s message.  So she passed it on to her best friend in class with the understanding that when she was finished she had to pass it on, etc. So far, to my own knowledge six other kids at school have read the book and they are continuing the message that it must be passed on.”

How’s that?

If you live in the Atlanta metro area, please stop by one of my events this weekend and say Hello!

10 thoughts on “The Wait is Over: “What’s Wrong With Me?” Book Release!

  1. I’m so glad your book is out. I plan to buy some for my granddaughters and nieces. I also hope you’ll be able to attend our annual Soroptimist Live Your Dream awards brunch in celebration of women and girls who make a difference in our world. Thank you again. I met you through Johnnetta.

  2. This is wonderful news and a great accomplishment. Do pinch yourself and enjoy the moment. I will do my part in promoting this book in Canada.

  3. Congratulations! It isn’t easy to be a writer. So many think so… until they try it themselves. I have mad respect for you!


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