Announcing My Self-Publishing e-Course Launch!

Intensive and ecourse FBI’m very excited to announce the launch of my brand new self-paced e-Course, So What’s Your Story today!  For this “grand opening,” I’m offering a special $50 promo to anyone who registers for the course with the code SWYSLAUNCH (this week only)!

Need course details? Check it out here.

Please share with a friend who has always wanted to write a book about their life. And as a special bonus, if you both register, I’ll give YOU an additional $25 credit as a big thanks for your support.

So What’s Your Story? – New Webinar Series!

5 Reasons Why You STILL Haven't Written Your Book PINHey, I just wanted to announce that my webinar series on self-publishing is now under way, with 5 dates to choose from! I mentioned this a few months ago when discussing the 5 reasons excuses that people give me when they say they want to write a book but haven’t started or completed it.


5 templates that help you write your book
D.A.R.E.E. Authorpreneur Academy Resource Pak

When you join any of my webinars this month (held weekly on Thursdays) I’ll bust those excuses and show you how you can become an author in 2016!  You will also learn how you can get my exclusive Authorpreneur Resource Pak that contains 6 templates to help you plan, write, self-publish and promote your book.

SIGN UP today, and catch me live or watch the recording.
Can’t wait to see you there!

Looking Ahead to 2016 (The Goal-Getter in Me)

20150906_155418cIt’s been 9 years that I’ve been blogging off and on (I started this blog in January 2007).  This is Part 3 of 3 in my 2015 yearly review.


5 PLACES I WANTED TO GO in 2015–and those To Be Continued…
– NYC (I did that in July, visiting old friends I hadn’t seen in over a decade, and their small children. It’s funny, the last time I saw those ladies, they weren’t moms.)
– L.A., to be on another talk show like Ellen, Wendy, Fallon or The REAL and be in the audience with my sister. I went to the Wendy Show in July, during the trip mentioned above, but I had no luck getting a booking for Ellen during her 12 Days of Christmas where she gives away EPIC gifts that almost rival Oprah’s. I also was an audience member of Family Feud in May, and another show in March called “Fake Off.”

Continue reading “Looking Ahead to 2016 (The Goal-Getter in Me)”

2015 Race Stats

In Part 2 of my 2015 yearly review, I recap my third year of running, which was my least exciting. I didn’t even do my first race of the year until the year was half over!
Outside my hotel room in San Juan

Although I ran less overall, I didn’t give into any pressure to run half marathons like my other buddies (I know which distances work for me), nor to run races in town because they’re popular. I sought to do only “away” races (except for a special one, and you’ll see why in a sec.

Continue reading “2015 Race Stats”

2015 in Review and Ree-flections

OK, it’s that time again. Time to recap my life in 2015 with a few short posts.

Part 1 of 3: “Ree-flections” on 2015

3 of my FAVORITE MEMORIES in 2015, Which All Happened in July
– Our family trip across New England
– Dancing with the dance ministry at my church
– Reconnecting with lots of old friends in New York


– Developing a new friendship with someone at church with whom I have a lot in common
– More sister time. I saw my sister practically every month this year even though we live 10 hours away from each other.


Some “professionals” who you have trusted for years can still misrepresent themselves and take your money without a second thought. As soon as you find that someone is shady (in any situation), you must let go of what you thought of them and keep it moving!


– Created (and soon to launch) my first online course (about self-publishing–check out the details here)
– Launched my weekly podcast, Kickin’ it with Daree
– Paid off my elective surgery without interest (I love beating the financial companies!)
Completing a 15K in my hometown, where I hadn’t been in 12 years
– After setting this goal sometime in 2008, I finally became a Professional Certified Life Coach
– Saving money for an emergency fund
Tomorrow I will recap my racing accomplishments this year. Care to share your life changing) memories from this year? What are you most proud of, and what did you learn?
If you’d like some help doing your own self-reflections, check out my new, free workbook below.

Jump-Start Your Year Workbook

20 and Counting

20130626_105158The following is the transcript from my entry for “Thanks, Podcasting” over at Libsyn, which is my media host for my podcast, Kickin’ it with Daree. If you haven’t heard the show, what are you waiting for? Check it out!


You can also listen to the audio that goes with the transcript below.

Welcome to Thanks, Podcasting! where you’ll get to hear stories of inspiration, transformation and impact because of podcasting. My name is Daree Allen from Kickin’ it with Daree over at
My first name is spelled DAREE, and that stands for Delivering A Rich, Empowering Experience. The way that I do that is being an authorpreneur–what I mean by that is, in addition to being a podcast host, I am also a blogger, writer, coach, speaker.  Running a show is a way for me to showcase my other talents, become more of an authority and thought leader, and develop my platform. Of course, I also started my show for the same reason I do all the other things I do as an authorpreneur: to help girls and women live their lives with more confidence and higher standards.

So, how has podcasting changed my life?  Well, it’s been less than 6 months since I launched my show, so I’ll just talk a little but about why I started, my goals, and what I’ve learned so far.

Continue reading “20 and Counting”

Is 2016 the Year YOU Become an Author?

You. Yes, I’m talking to you!

I’ve been getting requests about this for years… ever since I published my first book in 2012. Now I’m passing on my hard-won expertise and insider knowledge.

Read more here.

Running Like a Diva in PR (But No PR)


Yesterday was the first time I ran in Puerto Rico. It was also my first race in the DIVAS series.


I arrived in San Juan on Saturday evening, but many members of my running group arrived on Friday. I had a friend pick up my race packet for me since I was arriving late. They told me that the race expo was not memorable and that there were not as many vendors as in years past. I didn’t get any goodies in my packet but and the ones that others received were very inconsistent. One lady got a really nice lip gloss but no one else did. Some other people got chocolates and then that others. It was just kind of random.


About 30 members of my running group participated in this race. We took a group photo before the races began. Many of them did the half marathon (13.1 miles), but I stuck with the 5k (3.1 miles), even though that distance is not a challenge for me. I would have preferred a middle distance but I wasn’t trying to “upgrade.” My cell phone did not update the clock, but clocks in Puerto Rico showed the time as 1 hour later than Eastern Standard Time, because PR does not participate in daylight savings time changes. So my body thought I was getting up at 4 am and I am not used to that.


The half began at 6 am, and the rain began just before the 6:30 am start of the 5k. It was light, off and on, for the duration of both races.


Because of the rain from all week, there were a lot of puddles and the roads were not flat and smooth. Therefore I spent most of my time looking down to make sure that I stepped correctly. Of course there’s always the issue of people walking two and three abreast in various parts of the crowd instead of moving to one side which is common courtesy, but I enjoyed myself and did not try to set any records (I knew I wouldn’t PR in PR). When I saw interesting things I slow down to a walk so that I could get pictures.


Just before the finish line shoot, volunteers handed us feathered sashes and tiaras. You had to stop running to get them before you could finish. It was a little awkward and somebody pushed me hard after she got hers to get around me to the finish line.

After the crossing the finish, shirtless men in shorts passed out the medals. Then I met a friend of mine that also did the 5k and got a few snacks. We took pictures by the water and then went to wait for our friends across that we’re doing the half. When the last one came about, we joined her to run the last mile with her, back to the same finish area. It was very humid!

There was a post race party on Sunday night, but I just walked by to see what was going on. There was music and dancing and people sitting around. I was just tired because I had not gotten enough sleep for the last few days. I did a wise thing by sharing a room at the host hotel, even though it was very expensive. I wish I could have stayed in San Juan a little longer but I had to get back to my daughter who is still in school.


What I do this race again? No, because I don’t repeat races.  I would only recommend the race for someone who doesn’t mind running in the rain on uneven pavement in a beautiful and scenic city.


Too Picky? Why Yes I Am, and Proud of It!

As a single woman, sometimes people tell me I am just too picky.  I call it “selective.”

Everyone has preferences, but there are some important situations in which you SHOULD be picky, which I discuss in this video I originally shot on Periscope.  It was inspired by Master Brand Coach Jai Stone, when she said, “I can’t lower my standards to meet your mediocrity,” at an event I attended the day before.


Read more: 4 reasons why it’s good to have personal standards

This Goal-Getter Got Another One: I’m Now a Certified Life Coach!

I DID IT!Aww yeah! My goal-getting just won’t stop. I have wanted to make my life coaching gift “official” since 2008, when I first became the client of a life coach in New York City. She was the one who encouraged me to write my first book. Fast forward 7 years of personal and professional obstacles and achievements later, and now I am a professional certified life coach!

I earned my certification from the Georgia Certified Life Coach Academy.
I earned my certification from the Georgia Certified Life Coach Academy.

I took my practicum this past Saturday and passed. I am over the moon with pride and gratitude to all of the people who have ever coached me, encouraged me, or supported me in word, prayer or deed.  In my heart I always knew I was a coach; only now have I made it official with all the back-to-back projects I’ve taken on over the years. Everything on “the back burner” is now off, so now my “stove” is empty.  And I will keep helping others reach their goals, too.

That includes you, my dear reader. You have been so loyal. Thank you for continuing on this journey with me. I have a lot more to give and I am ready to serve.

Keep pushing towards your goals! It’s not just a trite cliche; you can do just about anything you set your mind to–no matter how long it takes.  🙂